The fight of “rape culture” has gone out of hand

Posted by on Jul 30, 2013 in Stories | No Comments
The fight of “rape culture” has gone out of hand

Ok I admit I have spent a little too much time on this Facebook post.



As a nearly 30 female, this poster sounds like pulling out of an argument between two teenagers that has gone out of hand. Here is why:

  1. It’s not trying to solve a problem but picking a fight
  2. It shows no respect to anyone, not the girl, not her dad, not even the person who posted it, himself (because he is calling himself a rapist in a way)
  3. It actually does the opposite: making girls realising how terrible this conversation has come to …

And then I read about the comments on the post, instead of agreeing with the response, It got me worried:


Single opinionated, emotionally charged, arguing, again…

  1. Once again, no problem solving here
  2. Seems like the worse the come back, the more votes it will get
  3. Guess what will happen next? That’s right, the argument will continue until one side get hurt, badly.

I had a go at it, trying to be fair here. I mean, I’m a girl myself and I’m here to help for god sake. Look what I got in return:


In the whole conversation, I was the only one who actually think there is “both sides” to any story. Am I really the only one here? I mean I love both my female friends and male friends, how do I continue to do that if there is this kind of argument keeps going on?

Please tell me the world is not flat.

Still a lot of love,


Oh and someone even wrote a book about the flipside of feminism.

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