Delma White

Delma was raised in Mt Barker, Western Australia. The environment and drawing were always a part of her childhood. Eventually she studied for an Art Diploma. Creating ‘Realist Still Life’ paintings led to the depiction of unique WA flora. The subject is always painted ‘in situ’, in reference to the larger ecosystem, so the undergrowth plays an important part in her paintings. The plants flourish, simply because of those conditions in which they are found. By recreating nature’s perfection on canvas, it is Delma’s intention to promote public awareness to the fragility of our bushlands. Delma has entered and won many awards throughout WA, enjoying sales and resulting in solo and joint exhibitions. Her paintings are held in public and private collections for their local flora representation. Delma’s paintings are represented in three galleries. She has been invited to exhibit in Nevada and The Florence Biennale. A national magazine has published two articles written by Delma.

Artwork of Gastrolobium spinosum 'Prickly poison' by Delma White

Catalogue Number 133

Gastrolobium spinosum 'Prickly poison'
510mm by 760mm
