Anne Lawson

Anne Lawson began botanical illustration about ten years ago, under the tutorship of Mali Moir. Through Mali she became involved in the Beckler’s Botanical Bounty Project, a project that collects and paints the specimens collected by Dr Hermann Beckler on the Burke and Wills Expedition in 1860. Her painting in this exhibition, Cullen pallidum, is one of the plants from that project. Anne is also interested in natural history objects, and painting feathers and shells has become a passion. Two of her shell paintings were exhibited in “From the Forest to the Foreshore” 2013. She works with pencil, ink and watercolour, and sells art works on line, with her most far away sale to Bergen in Norway.

Artwork of Cullen pallidum by Anne Lawson

Catalogue Number 77

Cullen pallidum
410mm by 550mm
